Tova Ben-Dov is surely one of WIZO’s finest. When she joined WIZO in 1965, Tova knew she was making ‘a lifetime commitment’ – WIZO quickly became her passion and sole focus.
In 1973, after the Yom Kippur War, Tova worked with the Ministry of Defence. She was a member of a team that carried out the most difficult task of informing families that their dear ones were killed.
From 1976 onwards, Tova held a series of senior positions on the World WIZO Executive.
At the 2000 World WIZO Conference, she was elected to the onerous position of Treasurer of World WIZO and Vice Chairperson of the Executive. In 2004, she was elected Chairperson World WIZO and then President from 2012 – 2016.
Now an Honorary Life President of WIZO and mentor to many aspiring leaders, Tova’s top priority is doing the utmost towards the goals of WIZO – creating an improved Israeli Society.
“It is a feeling of belonging, a constant need to love and give and provide opportunities for those less fortunate to improve their lives.”