Cairo born Jo Gostin was Foundation President of her group WIZO Ziona in 1969. Jo believed that “a commitment to WIZO provides more pleasure and rewards than the minimum effort it required”. After 20 years of service to her group which included portfolios of Vice President, Honorary Secretary and Publicity Chairman, Jo was elected President of WIZO Victoria, a position she held for eight years.
In May 2004 Jo became President of WIZO Australia, a role she held for six years. Her vision and drive during her Presidency enlisted the support of donors whose wonderful generosity enabled WIZO Ahuzat Yeladim’s facilities such as The Mandel and Marejn Dormitories to be rebuilt. Through her efforts, the House of Dreams that offers a range of enrichment activities became a reality. The beautiful Rae and Tom Mandel Centre for Women and Children in Modi’in, offering family counselling and legal advice services for women and girls at risk, was one of Jo’s passions. The all-weather basketball court gained a roof, the shell/stage was built. The Road of Hope was a fundraising tool initiated by Jo and it has enabled all Australian donors to participate and raise much needed funds for Ahuzat Yeladim.
We owe so much to Jo’s boundless energy and enthusiasm. Jo was renowned for her sense of humour, infectious laugh and her great devotion to WIZO and Israel.
She is sorely missed.