Janette is a real WIZO stalwart.
This amazing woman joined WIZO in 1984 after bumping into an old school friend who told her about a WIZO playgroup in the area. Before long, Janette became a vital WIZO member, someone who not only believed in the cause but was willing to put time and energy towards it.
Janette enthusiastically took on the role of Treasurer of WIZO Tsafon in the 1990s before becoming President of the group in 2011. A position she still holds today.
Janette continues to work tirelessly within WIZO Tsafon – as well as with other groups – to create wonderful WIZO events. She is one of our best when it comes to keeping her members enthused and engaged, always finding memorable keynote speakers.
Kol Hakavod to Janette – an influential woman who truly holds WIZO close to her heart.