WIZO Shana Tova U’metuka

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Dear Members and friends

Rosh Hashanah 5785 this year looks different to every other year, as we have so much uncertainty and concern for our beloved brothers and sisters in Israel, for those in captivity and for those families who have lost so much in the last twelve months.

As World WIZO closely monitors the wants and needs of so many citizens, our local communities and branches of WIZO have gathered to do whatever they can in these dark and troubled times. From helping with families who have a parent, child or sibling at war, to feeding soldiers, assisting the elderly, caretaking small families who have no support…we are wherever the needs are greatest, and right now, there are enormous and endless needs from the North to the South of Israel.

WIZO is determined to fortify all the daycare centres, schools and youth villages, and our priority, literally today is to ensure, in these devasting rocket filled days, that each and every parent can feel safe in the knowledge that when their child is with WIZO, they are safe. This will enable WIZO Centres to continue to operate under the threat of attack.

The building of bomb shelters will not change the balance of power with Iran and Hamas, but it is another brick in the wall that allows for more security, more normalcy, and more stability. That is what we are praying for this Rosh Hashanah.

With Israel in our hearts, may Hashem protect Israel, all its soldiers and civilians.

Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova U’Metuka to your and your families.

Nilly Berger



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