Dear WIZO members, our partners around the world,
This edition of the WIZO newsletter is being published on the morning after an historical missile attack by Iran, and just days before October 7th, a date that has become a significant day on our calendar—an infamous chapter in history. Much has been written and much more will be said about what we are experiencing this year, as well as about WIZO’s joint efforts with its members around the world during these terrifying days.
On this occasion, we would like to emphasize what must never be forgotten: The investigation of Israel’s failure on October 7th, regardless of its outcomes, cannot diminish the real problem: the murderous and inhumane nature of our enemies, the terrorist organizations acting as proxies for Iran, supported by parts of the Arab world.
Despite all our efforts to attribute to them legitimate national aspirations, a culture of honor and hospitality, and a natural human desire for a better future for themselves, October 7th came and reminded us that their thirst for Jewish blood surpasses all considerations, defies all logic, and that morality is far from them. Their hatred of us overshadows even their love for their own children.
Israel’s security and existence are not owed to the mercy of the enemy but rather to its strong army, its brave soldiers, its global partners, and its determined home front, which, in times of danger, knows how to unite against any challenge. Despite all the hardships of the past year and the events taking place as we speak, we must always remember our good fortune and the privilege our generation was given to defend itself with the power of justice and the justice of power.
Almost a year into the war, WIZO still prays along with the entire nation for the safe return of our hostages, for the recovery of our wounded soldiers, and for the security of our citizens throughout the country. We continue to pray, and it seems that the road ahead is still long.

On the evening of Rosh Hashana we wish you a Shana Tova, a good and healthy new year,
Anat Vidor, President & Anita Friedman, Chairperson