Are we the Jews – The Chosen People to be the victims of
hurtful , hateful ,humiliation,
exclusion ,expulsion or extermination?
Or have we been chosen to teach the World about
and innovation.
Our mission is no privilege but a great responsibility,
to be a Or La’goyim – a Light unto the Nations.
to be a role model and change the world for good.
to stand up to misinformation ,manipulation and intimidation.
We are only 0.2% of the world’s population.
We survived 2000 years of persecution and
The Final Solution.
The Jewish people are a living miracle that defies explanation.
In every generation they rise up to destroy us but G-d saves us from their hands.
From Haman to Hitler to Hamas
Our history would tell you ,do not mess with us !
We have clung to our traditions with great determination
We are a proud ,brave and enduring nation .
Am Yisrael Chai
Jaclyn Leiba Gluck
March 2024.