Two students from WIZO Nahalal youth village, Alex and Morad, were selected to participate in the four-day Ride for the Living in Poland this week as part of the village’s Bartali riding program. Ride for the Living brings hundreds of bike riders from around the world together to ride 96 kilometers from the darkness of the Holocaust, the Auschwitz-Birkenau gates, to the bright Jewish future being built at the Jewish community center in Krakow.
Bartali Youth in Movement at WIZO Nahalal is an incredible cycling program that encourages athleticism, resilience, emotional development, team building and social bonding. Bringing these two programs together gives our youth a challenging and meaningful experience that they will never forget.
Bartali – Youth in Movement
כפר הנוער ויצו נהלל ע”ש חנה מייזל שוחט