Born in Israel, and the child of Holocaust survivors, Rony has constantly worked and volunteered in Jewish organisations for the betterment of the Sydney Jewish community and Israel. But it was in WIZO’s raison d’etre where she found her passion; a dedication to supporting those in Israeli society that need it most.
Rony became the youngest ever President of WIZO NSW and then consecutively the youngest President of WIZO Australia. She took both roles very seriously and worked consistently with strength, determination and pragmatism.
She has been honoured as an honorary Life Member of World WIZO, Honorary Life Member of WIZO Australia and last year an OAM for her work with WIZO and within the Jewish Community.
Today Rony sits on the Board and Executive of WIZO NSW which benefits from her experience and wise counsel.
She has and will always continue to support her passions, and is always grateful for the opportunities that living in Australia gives her to speak up for and help others less fortunate than herself.