WIZO Around the World – Sderot

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Again, Israel is under attack. Over the weekend, terrorists fired dozens of deadly rockets from Gaza into Israeli communities, setting off sirens across the south and sending residents scrambling for bomb shelters.

WIZO stands with the people of the south, with a special responsibility to children, who are most vulnerable to trauma, its long-term affects and invisible scars.

WIZO plays an important role in Sderot, spearheaded by WIZO’s Margaret Thatcher Centre for the Benefit of Children, Parents and Educational Staff in Sderot (known as “The Open House”),  which, since 2001, has provided  critical counselling and support services, year round, to thousands of children and families in Sderot and the Negev, to help them deal with the traumatic effects of living in a region under attack.  The Open House also provides educational and counselling services to WIZO’s three rocket-proof day care centres in Sderot.

Here is a short video on the incredible work done by this centre: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOdft11oj9I



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