WIZO Around the World – Florida

tzvi and itty ainsworth

Australian Jewry is in mourning this week following the tragic and untimely death of Tzvi and Itty Ainsworth, who were among residents confirmed killed in the Florida building collapse disaster.

The couple were known for their love of life, positivity, kindness and dedication to both family and friends and will be sorely missed by many communities around the globe.

Throughout these traumatic few weeks, It has been heartening to hear of the incredible and tireless work of a team of  WIZO Florida sisters, on the ground from moments after the collapse of the building. These women (many with their spouses) have been assisting those affected and the front line workers, with food, clothing, offer of shelter to those who had lost everything – in addition, they have been working with the Shules of Bal Harbour, many of whom have also been on the front line assisting wherever they can. Its moments like these when we realise the reach of WIZO – not just fundraising for our beloved Israel, but joining together, wherever the need is greatest – and helping those in the greatest need.



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