Ukrainian Refugee Update: It’s WIZO Nachlat Yehuda’s Turn

The days, weeks and months go by, and the war in Ukraine goes on, wreaking death, suffering and destruction on an enormous scale.

And here in WIZO, we continue to do our part to embrace young Ukrainians  escaping the inferno, taking them into our home, and providing refuge, care and education in our youth villages and schools. *We continue to do what matters.*

First it was WIZO Nahalal and CHW Hadassim. Now, it is WIZO Nachlat Yehuda, where the first five Ukrainian youth — 3 girls and 2 boys. Eventually there will be 25 in Nachlat, joining the 39 Ukrainian children already living and studying there in the framework of the Naaleh program – and for whom the war has been a traumatic nightmare, seeing their country torn apart from afar.

Israel and WIZO welcomes these children, and strengthens the hands of the Nachlat professional team in their blessed Zionist and humanist efforts.

WIZO is deeply grateful to the donors and federations who have responded to our appeal for assistance in meeting the special needs of these children and of the villages that have given them refuge. These children will be in our care for the next months and possibly years, and the needs will continue to be great: from personal items such as new clothing, shoes, computers, and all those things that our own children and grandchildren have; to the costs of increased, specialized psychological support services; to special educational and recreational activities such as the Passover camp (summer vacation is soon upon us), trips to get to know Israel, and so much more – including things we cannot know right now, and therefore cannot specify.

We hope you will continue to raise money and give generously to our Ukrainian Emergency Fund, and we are happy to answer any questions you may have.



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