Jeffrey Sachs sets new boundaries for hypocrisy

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From the President’s Desk
The Anti-Semite Corner of the Week

The Professor Against his People

Professor Jeffrey Sachs, the Jewish-American economist, has identified the source of all conflicts in the Middle East: Netanyahu. This sets new boundaries for hypocrisy and self-hating Jewish disconnect.

By: Anat Vidor, WIZO President

As if we don’t have enough external enemies, sometimes one of our own comes along to pour more fuel on the anti-Semitic fire. This is exactly what Professor Jeffrey Sachs, the Jewish-American from Columbia University, also unofficially known as “the world’s most important economist,” did. He attacked with academic rage: “Netanyahu the son of a b**** is dragging us into wars,” and when President Trump (new-old) shared the video this week – the words received a scientific stamp of approval.

According to ancient Greeks, a message consists of “who says it,” “what is said,” and “how it’s said” – pathos, ethos, and logos. It’s hard to ignore Sachs’s poor logos, his manner of expression revealing his mental state and nerve strength. After all, Netanyahu’s mother wasn’t involved in prostitution, and even in WIZO kindergartens, they teach that using curse words doesn’t advance ideological arguments but only weakens them. So let’s set aside the logos.

Is Netanyahu really the warmonger in the Middle East? His opponents in Israel accuse him of exactly the opposite: turning a blind eye to growing terrorism and addiction to temporary quiet – these are the main reasons for the October 7th debacle. The esteemed professor who believes Israel’s Prime Minister is the war instigator, ignores the small detail that the war caught everyone by surprise, and unfortunately – Netanyahu and the security establishment heads too. Today, Israel is doing what’s necessary to avoid being slaughtered and raped again.

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Photo: Christian Wind / Anzenberger / Redux

To understand the speaker’s nature, let’s flip back in the same book. “Israel refuses the two-state solution,” the professor fires with moral rebuke near the war’s outbreak, “Israel is committing ethnic cleansing, genocide, massacre of tens of thousands,” “The world’s nations strongly oppose its policy except for the US, Micronesia, and Nauru. You’ll remain alone!” he threatens angrily like a modern-day prophet.

The truth apparently isn’t taught at the New York university that feeds on billions of Qatari dollars. The truth doesn’t interest the mob raging on campus, nor the confused Jewish professor watching them from his office window. So here’s the truth for those interested:

The Israeli government, with the people’s support, did everything to advance the “two states for two peoples” solution, an idea that collapsed due to the other side’s opposition, who won’t accept Jewish life in the Middle East in any form or size.

Israel transfers tens of thousands of aid trucks – a unique international demand from Israel – creates humanitarian corridors, and does everything to avoid harming innocent civilians, if there are any in Gaza. Apparently, despite the “genocide,” Hamas militants still control Gaza. Strange.

As for the world: The positions of world nations aren’t determined by justice and morality, but by internal political power relations, and when in all world countries except the US and Israel itself – the Muslim population outweighs the Jewish population many times over – one can’t expect pro-Israeli policies from them. Despite this, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Argentina and others – show clear support for Israel, like the entire non-Arab public worldwide, who mostly support Israel in its war against Iranian terror! The anti-Israelis are mainly Muslims flooding the world, fools swept up in hate theories, and some local regimes turning a blind eye to the danger. And yes – also one nervous professor.

Even before Joshua conquered the Land of Israel, there were those who spread bad reports about the land. Moses, who led us from slavery to freedom, had opponents among the people, and even Mordechai the Jew who saved our people from extinction was “accepted by most of the people” except for his opponents. In every generation, the tut-tutters and hypocrites emerge, seeing everything upside down, thinking that if we’re hated, we must not be good enough. And here in our generation, appears the professor who turns his back on his people to wink at the violent mob raging in his courtyard. If this is how he’ll receive the Nobel Prize in Economics, let this prize be an eternal reminder of treasonous pathos, false ethos, and vulgar logos.



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