Antisemitism is bad, and Trudeau is good (to go)


From the President’s Desk
The Anti-Semite Corner of the Week

It is not the Wicked who will destroy the world, but good people like Trudeau

The end of a disgraceful era in Canada. The Trudeau era will be remembered as the transformation of a friendly nation into a nest of rampant antisemitism under government protection. His resignation is great news for the world’s fourth-largest Jewish community, for the State of Israel, and for the free world.

By: Anat Vidor, WIZO President

The big news of the week: Trudeau is leaving, and for Israel, this is wonderful news worth celebrating. It’s impossible not to like Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, who represents the beautiful face of humanity. He loves everyone, including Jews, dances with latkes, hugs mezuzahs, and of course, how could we forget – deeply condemns antisemitism. Antisemitism is bad, and Trudeau is good – clearly he must be against it, right?!

But as they say in our circles: “It’s not the wicked who will destroy the world, but the indifferent.” And Trudeau isn’t just failing to stop antisemitism; he’s actively supporting it, and the ammunition he denies Israel is being metaphorically directed toward the flourishing antisemitism in his country.

Here’s an indisputable fact: During Trudeau’s 9-year tenure, Canada has transformed from Israel’s important friend into the capital of global antisemitism, alongside Ireland. However, unlike Ireland, which has a negligible Jewish population, Canada has the world’s fourth-largest Jewish community, with nearly 400,000 Jews who found a warm home in the Canadian cold. Today, this community is experiencing violent persecution reminiscent of pre-Holocaust Europe, including: shootings at Jewish schools, attacks on Jews in the streets, firebombs at synagogues, canceled Jewish events due to threats, public spaces desecrated with anti-Semitic displays, destruction campaigns with Nazi symbols, and complete control of the streets by anti-Semitic rioters.

Photo: Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press via A

Trudeau watches everything in silence. He still doesn’t understand the war. 5% of his citizens are Muslim – five times larger than the Jewish electoral base – and they’re numerous enough to contain the dangers and “flow” with the waves of hatred. Trudeau responds with generic verbal condemnations that seem AI-generated, but takes no real action. Like all hidden antisemitism operating under the law, the state invests in “protecting Jews” but isn’t waging a brave war against the growing threat that’s approaching a breaking point.

Trudeau doesn’t just turn a blind eye to antisemitism: at the height of the fighting against Hamas, while we were still fighting for our lives and our hostages’ lives, he fueled it by deciding to ban weapons exports to Israel, which started a domino effect leading to a temporary weapons supply halt from the big neighbor to the south. Faced with the boycott of Israel, Trudeau refuses to add the Iranian regime to the blacklist, and many investigations reveal that Canada is currently a haven for Revolutionary Guard members.

How did this transformation happen, turning a positive and friendly nation we grew to love into a global center of antisemitism that identifies with Iran in just a few years? There’s a simple one-word answer: Trudeau. Now that Trudeau has learned from polls that the Canadian people aren’t with him, and that resignation would be an honorable exit, opposition leader Pierre Poilievre, a wise and brave leader who recently said “an attack on Iran would be Israel’s gift to the world,” is expected to take his place.

It’s not certain we can fix Trudeau’s damage – demons don’t tend to return to bottles. But there’s definitely reason to hope the trend will change, and the sentiment in Canadian leadership will return to being pro-free world and less pro-terror organizations, both in foreign policy and especially in domestic policy. Good luck to Canada, good luck to Poilievre, may he succeed in making Canada great again.

Previous Articles published in The Jerusalem Post:

Nicolas Maduro is lighting a small anti-Semitic bonfire for political gains

Reginald D. Hunter’s Edinburgh show: A disturbing blend of comedy and antisemitism

UN’s António Guterres only shows that he’s the Secretary-General of the Arab world

Kickl’s coded rhetoric is reminiscent of Nazi-led Austria

Guterres’s hypocrisy: Condemning Israel while shielding aggressors



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