From the President’s Desk
The Anti-Semite Corner of the Week
Hezbollah is in the afterlife, its supporters are on their way there
A bit of satisfaction: Who would have believed that “Britain’s knight of anti-Semitism” would declare that his anti-Semitic enterprise has collapsed? That’s what George Galloway did this week, while exposing the great bluff.
By: Anat Vidor, WIZO President
The global anti-Semitism radar was stormy as usual this week, but my attention was drawn to an unusually encouraging statement, without quotation marks, that came from Britain. There, the 70-year-old politician George Galloway said: “I’m stopping my fight for the Arabs.” So first of all: Who is George Galloway?
He’s an anti-Semitic terror supporter who was a member of British Parliament for 25 years, before being ousted for the last time six months ago. This man is a machine spreading hatred and evil, who challenges the boundaries of free speech in the Kingdom. He supports everything that’s evil – Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Saddam Hussein in his time, and conversely attacks Israel, the US, even his own country with venomous vitriol, and opposes LGBTQ+ rights. He carries a Palestinian passport issued by Hamas, collaborated with ISIS killers, and declared the Bradford district in northern England “Israeli-free.” Some say that between his second and third wife – both Muslim, by the way – he even converted to Islam. As a lone member out of 650 members of the British House of Commons, Galloway’s practical power was nil – but his presence was prominent, like an annoying fly on the face of British democracy.
This week, wearing a Jewish-style kippah hat, he appeared before cameras and announced he was “stopping his fight for the Arabs.” According to him, the destruction of Syria broke his spirit – “The Arabs are a lost cause,” he said.
It’s funny. The bluff, I mean. The big, long bluff. Britain’s #1 anti-Semite “worked for the Arabs.” Maybe that’s true. But his deal had two sides: he “works for them” in diplomacy and PR, and they in return are supposed to kill Jews. But this week, something cracked in this alliance: it turned out that Arabs can no longer fulfill their part of the deal. Galloway’s wording is so shaky: if he really was “working for the Arabs” out of care for them, he would have stood by them especially in their difficult time. But in his eyes, Arabs are merely an effective tool for realizing his anti-Semitic dreams, and his support for them is conditional on their success in this role. You’re not “pro-Arab,” Georgie boy. You’re a full-on anti-Semite!

What’s happening in recent months in the Middle East is taking the wind out of the sails of anyone who dreamed of destroying the Jewish state. The IDF has almost completely destroyed Hamas, thoroughly crushed Hezbollah, pounded Syria to zero operational capability, and now the focus is on the head of the octopus – Iran. Israel is demonstrating brilliant military and intelligence capabilities, excelling in both offense and defense, and finally strangling its enemies to elimination, without stopping in submission to international protests or UN condemnations. But our dream is their nightmare, and the desperate Galloway, flailing helplessly, is doing what thousands of hidden anti-Semites in the world who have temporarily gone quiet aren’t doing, and giving us one of the most symbolic victory images on the anti-Semitic front.
Anti-Semitism won’t die, of course, but it’s good to see Galloway in his current state. He’s broadcasting to us the condition of many like him, who are abandoning their anti-Semitic enterprise. Not because they understood who is good and who is evil, but because they understood that a new Holocaust isn’t currently on the agenda. Thank you, Galloway, keep updating us.
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