Sponsor A Child 2023 Annual Thank You Morning Tea

benita kam kerri sackville nilly berger

Yesterday morning, in a glorious home on the water in the Eastern Suburbs, WIZO NSW hosted a ‘thank you’ morning tea – a thank you to the many women and men who annually Sponsor A Child In Israel.

Keynote speaker, Kerri Sackville, was thought provoking, warm, funny, and everything that you would like to hear from an incredibly talented women in our community.

This year we are hoping to change the lives of a group of children who are large in number but lacking in support.  These are The Invisible Children. The unseen. The unheard. The unlucky.

Today, around 600,000 Israeli children are exposed to domestic violence. And each one of these children is known as an invisible child. We’re not talking about the children who are victims of abuse, but of those who have witnessed abuse and are severely traumatised by it.

Because of our many wonderful SAC donors, WIZO is sending significant funds to Israel – funds will be used to identify and support these very vulnerable children.

We are grateful to you all.

Download Speech – Nilly Berger, President




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